Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dedicated to the Ones I Love

Proverbs 31:27-29

27 She watches over the ways of her household,
   And does not eat the bread of idleness.
   28 Her children rise up and call her blessed;
   Her husband also, and he praises her:
   29 “ Many daughters have done well,
  But you excel them all.”

     In real life (IRL), I'm a very private person. I'm talking VERY private. I really have a thing against people knowing what I'm thinking. Not that it's bad (not usually. *insert wicked laugh here*), but it's just MY thoughts. MY private thoughts. Anyway, I think that's one of the reasons that I enjoy blogging soooo much. I can share and share and share, yet you wouldn't recognize me if I walked up to you on the street. it's so freeing! I have finally found a place to let my hair down. (Smile)

     Anyways, I've been thinking a lot about my family, lately. Not my entire family, but the small branch that lives in my house.  The hubby, K, and K2.0. The three of them are the loves of my life. I'm sure everybody feels that way about their spouse and their children, but this is my blog, so it's my choice to restate the obvious. (LOL).

     I met The Hubby during the summer. I was hanging out with a girlfriend of mine, and he was hanging out with one of his guys. I spotted him down the street, but didn't really think much of it (spotting him), or much of him (he was like a all, dark blur).  Then, my God-son asked me to go down the street with him, as one of the neighbors was selling "snow cones" on her front porch, and he (with his 4 year old self) needed "Auntie" Mrs. Mocha to pay. I don't know if the hubby was there when I walked up, or if he came later. All I remember, is that my God-son was enamored with the tall, dark man. My husband had ordered a "suicide." You know, where you get a little bit of every flavor. My God-son ordered a "suicide." A friendship was born. The hubby began to connect with my God-son, and engaged him in a conversation as they ate their matching snow cones. Looking back, it was CLEARLY a set-up. But at the time , all I could think of was how sweet The nubby was to take the time to be so friendly and engaging to my God-son (who was my "first" child, and who I will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart for).

     Anyway, The hubby won me, and soon we were creating a family of our very own.

     My daughter, K, was a planned pregnancy. Of course, I had no idea about timed-intercourse, Pre-seed, or any of those "high-faluting" aides. All I knew was that I needed some vitamins (check), and some sex (check). During ttc, I thought my cycle was late, so I visited Plan.ned Parent.hood for a free testing. BFP. I was sooo happy..but cautious. I only told one person (not DH) and wasn't overly optimistic when I shared the news. I needed to be sure. So a few days later, I returned to the scene of the crime and retested. You guessed it, BFN. Apparently, my test had been switched with some pregnant girl's test. I got her "yes" (*tears*), she got my "no" (probably BIGGER *tears* when she realized the mistake).

     Months went by, and in March, I realized that I hadn't had a period in February. 50 HPTs later (all BFN), I was still no closer to knowing where my period had disappeared to. I was distraught, and in limbo. What should a person think when they have no period, yet, are not pregnant? Whatevs! Life was marching on. On April 18, 1994 I called my Dr with renewed self-assurance. Somebody was gonna tell me what the HECK was wrong with my body. I wanted an appointment, ASAP! They really didn't care how badly I wanted an appointment. They're protocol was for me to take (yet another) pregnancy test, as I had never taken one with them (Didn't wanna pay the $10 co-pay). Once they had those results, they would decide how to proceed.

     I waited on pins and needles for the 24 hours to pass (back then, it took 24 hours to get pregnancy results at my Dr's office). Finally, I nervously phoned for my results. They couldn't tell me. They didn't have a test matching my name. They had a test for a name close to mine.

     Okay, I have to insert here, that I have a rather common first name. However, there is another common name that rhymes with my name, that I have been mistakenly called ALL of my life (think: Sharon/Karen ~ Nicki/Micki ~ Kelcey/Chelsea)

     I was beyond pissed. The stress of the situation, and the fact that I was now into my 2nd month with NO period was not helping matters. I KNEW the test was mine. I mean, I had been mistakenly called by this name my ENTIRE life. All I kept thinking was, "Who the $%#$%# writes the %^$$#$%# names on the test tubes???!!!?? Off with their head!!!!!!" They couldn't assume that it was my test (even though the wrong first name was followed by my CORRECT last name (and I paid $10 for this mess, when Plan.ned Parent.hood was giving out their mistakes for free!!!!!)), I would have to come in and re-test (for no charge, of course). The 2nd time I came in, the nurse let me write my own name on the test tube. I don't know why, but that made her look like the guilty party to me.

     An additional 24 hours later, and I found out that I was indeed, with child. The relief manifested itself in non-stop tears. Okay, some of those tears were from fear, as well.

     K2.0 was a planned pregnancy as well. Right before K finished grade school, I went on a health kick. I started exercising  and eating in a very healthy manner. I dropped a lot of weight and dress sizes. I looked good, and felt excellent. The hubby said to me, "Man, you look so good and you got the weight off. Now I know you're not gonna want to have more kids. I guess I should give it up." I assured him that I was still interested in more children. Whatever happened, happened. Then one night, I had a the most vivid dream. I was giving the cutest, caramel colored, little boy a shower. He was smiling at me, and giggling as the water rained down on his smooth skin, and I could hear myself saying, "who's the cutest? who's the cutest?" Then, I scooped him up into a towel and cradled him close to my chest while he grinned at me, and made me love him even more. The next morning, I told my husband about the dream. I said, "we're gonna have a little boy." TTC commenced.

     Six months later, I was at a birthday party.  I have never been a big drinker, but I do enjoy a cocktail every now and again. My girlfriend had paid for an open bar, so I decided to indulge. The hubby was driving, and I was showing off. I actually had TWO drinks. In the middle of the 2nd one, I turned to The hubby and said over the music, "wouldn't it be so crazy if I was pregnant, now. I mean, here I am drinking for the first time in like a year." Then, I was like, "hahaha" and finished the drink. I would've had a third and/or fourth drink that night, but after the 2nd one, I stumbled a little on my boots, so I knew that my drink tank was full.

     Fast forward two weeks later, my period was a "no-show." Unlike with my daughter, I knew. In my heart of hearts, I knew I was pregnant. I wasn't even concerned. I didn't even test for an additional week. I urinated on a Clear Blue Easy Digital test, and was only shocked to see the word "Positive" pop up, because I had never had an HPT reveal a positive result for me (not even when I was pregnant with K.) The hubby and K had gone to the store. So, I had to wait for them to return. It only took about 20 minutes, but I was going crazy. I wanted to call everybody. i wanted to run into the front yard and scream it to the atmosphere. I was pregnant. I was beyond excited.

     I showed The hubby and K the test together. K cried. it was the sweetest thing, ever. Her tears made me cry. The three of us hugged. It was an AMAZING day. I will never forget it!!!

     Dear family, this the story of us. If you should ever happen this one, you will know (maybe) a little more about yourself than you knew before you read this.

     K, you are my mini-me. You have definitely grown me up, and taught me about being self-less, sacrificial, loving unconditionally and being fiercely protective.

     K2.0, you are my life changer. You have definitely caused me to re-evaluate what healthy is, what adversity is, what acceptance is, and what beauty looks like. You are a reminder to me that God is in control, and He's overcoming this world. You have taught me about pridefulness, self-pity, happiness, statistics, advocacy, and God's grace.

     Hubby, you are the priest of my home, and owner of the key to my heart. I've made billions of mistakes in this life. I've done millions of things wrong. But the ONE thing I did right, was accept your marriage proposal!

Proverbs 31:27-29

27 She watches over the ways of her household,
   And does not eat the bread of idleness.
   28 Her children rise up and call her blessed;
   Her husband also, and he praises her:
   29 “ Many daughters have done well,
   But you excel them all.”

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